Thank You

The wealth of family data collected here resulted from hard work done by others over many years. I am deeply grateful to these people and organizations for their kind and freely given help, without which this book could not have been completed. The listing below is not alphabetical; as people helped, I recorded their names or their organization. So many people helped that it is very likely that I have overlooked someone. For this, I apologize and ask that you contact me so that I can correct the oversight.

Thank you to the following people and organizations:

Lyn Schwartz, Paton Family Genealogist

Barbara Laughlin Adler, Genealogist for the Milliken and Morton Families

John Doppke, Thompson Family Genealogist

Joe Robertson, Robertson Family Genealogist

Glen Robertson, Robertson Family genealogist

B. J. Neuenfeldt, Hamilton Family Genealogist

Norm Hamilton, Hamilton Family Genealogist

Eileen Allan Tvorik, Allan Family Genealogist

Betty Jean (B.J.) Neuenfeldt, Hamilton Family Genealogist

Barbara Tourangeau, Allan, Hamilton, Morton Families Genealogist

Jeanne Forristal, Hopkin and Downie Family Genealogist

Ron Waxell, Stevenson Family Genealogist

Dick Muir, Muir Family Genealogist

Jim Wallace, Wallace Family Genealogist

Teresa Tillman, Braidwood Family Genealogist

Jan Stockton, Braidwood Family Genealogist

Bill and Cindy Ferrucci, McCampbell Family Genealogist

Diane Murray, McKay Family Genealogist

Bernard Pearl "The Cemetery Man"

Reverend Jennifer Tafel, Lansing Swedenborgian Church, Michigan

Reverend Ron Brugler; New Church, Cleveland, Ohio

Reverend Robert Gill, New Church, Paisley Scotland

Don Craig, Almont New Church

Members of the Almont Historical Society

Members of the Armada Genealogical Society: Margaret Smith, librarian; Jean Mills; Donna Kippen; Bernard Pearl

The Lapeer Genealogy Society

The Lapeer Historical Society

Mary Kay Townsend, Lapeer Genealogist